Limited to 180 exciting personalities taking on the core challenges of our time.
Torn between political reality and economic must
- what is the right China strategy for your business?
Ballooning demand meets demo-/bureaucracy
how to make the energy transition work?
Immigration and inflation
- how to avoid social unrest and an erosion of western societies?
Defining "Wirtschaftswunder"
- wondering how Europe's economy has any chance to compete?
Don't fight losing
- how do we shift resources from mitigating to managing climate change?
TikTok, Meta, ChatGPT ...
- what are the skills our children need to survive in all worlds?
NextGen Europe
- how to scrap today's EU and start from scratch?
Quantum computing
– how to commercialize in due term without falling into an endless echo bubble?
Thinking beyond chip shortage
– how will Europe be able to change supply and dependency?
Taiwanese blackout
- how to prepare for the biggest single risk event to industry?
Too late, too slow with diligence
- how can central banks manage financial stability, inflation and growth?
Silicon Valley of regulations
- is Europe too "woke" to remain competitive?
No risk, no fun
- how to do business with our Asian frenemies?
IRA state capitalism
- what must be Europe's answer to Biden's 'America first' policy?
Broken footprint?
How can Europe compete given limited access to raw materials and cheap energy?
AI out of the bottle
- what does it mean to be human in tomorrow's corporate world?
The clock is ticking
- what if Europe’s hesitation and a new U.S. president give Putin the chance to win the war?
The age of revisionism
- why are democratic institutions and even facts so vulnerable?